Introduction of Internet and WWW


The Internet is the globel system interconeccted cmputer network that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business and goverment networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad arry of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as tha inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony and file sharing. 

Computer Networks

Networking is a technique which is used to make personal computer to multi user behavior. although the computers having single user multi tasking operating system or network operating system (NOS). By sharing resources and peripheral devices more than one user can work at a single resource or device.

Communication Process

The communication process is a dynamic framework that describes how a message travels between a under and receivering varicocecodes the message correctly and can provide feedback with ease and speed.

Here are seven essential components that make up the communication process:

Sender: The person who conceptualised the idea and wants it delivered to the recipient.

Encoding: The way the information is described or translated into a message.

Message: The idea factor plus the sender ETCS to communicate.

Communication channel: The method of delivering the message.

Receiver: The person who receive the message.

Decoding: The interpretation of the message.

Feedback: The response or action a receiver tales after decoding a message.

Types of Network

Network Based on Size: There are kind of networks divided on the basis of size like Network Based on Size: There we kind of tea Network and the network which serves ente globe is known as Wide Area Network.

Basically Network is divided into three parts according to the size…..

1. LAN (Local Area Network)
2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
3. VAN (Wide Area Network)

Local Area Networks (LAN)

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory or office building. A LAN is a network of connected devices that exist within a specific location. LANs may be found in homes, offices, educational institution, or other areas.

Advantage of LAN

1. Resource Sharing: LAN provides resource sharing such as computer resources like printers, scanners, modems, DVD-ROM drives, and hard disks can be shared within the connected devices. This reduces cost and hardware purchases.

2. Software Applications Sharing: In a Local Area Network, it is easy to use the same software in a number of computers connected to a network instead of purchasing the separately licensed software for each client a network.

3. Easy and Cheap Communication: Data and messages can easily be shared with the other computer connected to the network.

4. Centralized Data: The data of all network users can be stored on a hard diskばる central/server computer. This help users to use any computer in a network to st
required data.

5. Data Security: Since data is stored on the server computer, it will be easy to manage de only one place and the data will be more secure too.

6. Internet Sharing: Local Area Network provides the facility to share a single internet conner among all the LAN users. In school labs and internet Cafes, single internet connection is provide internet to all connected computers.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered byrconnecarge local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered by a wide area network (WAN). Large universities also sometimes use the term to describe their networks. A recent trend is the installation of wireless MANs.

Advantages of MAN

1. Less Expensive: It is less expensive to attach MAN with WAN Network. MAN gives you good efficiency of data. All data on MAN is easily manageable in a centralized way.

2. Sending Local Emails: You can send local emails fast and free on MAN.

3. High Speed than WAN: The speed of data can easily reach 1000 Mbps, as MAN uses fiber optics. Files and database transfer rates are fast.

4. Sharing of the Internet:
With the installation of MANs, users can share their internet connection. In this way, multiple users can get the same high-speed internet.

5. Conversion of LAN to MAN is Easy: MAN is a combination of two or more LAN network. So it is a faster way to connect two LAN networks together.

6. High Security: MAN’s has a high-security level than WAN.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

The network which is spread over the globe and covers entire world, is facilitated to a computer by Internet Service Providers. It is biggest network across the world in that each computer is connected and share or access the data and information. This very network is used all the way now-a-days for e.g.

Advantages of WAN

1. WAN covers larger geographical area. Hence business offices situated at longer distances can easily communicate.

2. Like LAN, it allows sharing of resources and application softwares among distributed workstations or users.

3. The software files are shared among all the users. Hence all will have access to latest files. This avoids use of previous versions by them.

4. Organizations can form their global integrated network through WAN. Moreover it supports global markets and global businesses.

5. The emergence of loT (Internet of Things) and advanced wireless technologies such as LAN or LAN-Advanced have made it easy for the growth of WAN based devices. Messages can be sent very quickly across the globe with the help of applications such as whatsApp, facebook messenger etc.