Overview of Future skills and Cyber Security

Introduction of Future Skills

Future talents are the fundamental abilities that people must develop if they are to succeed in a constantly changing world. These skills cover a wide variety of competencies like digital literacy, critical thinking, adaptability, creativity, and technological proficiency in response to the quick speed of technological breakthroughs and societal changes. For both personal and professional success in the changing environment of the future, mastering these abilities is essential.


Future Skills: Encourage adaptation, digital literacy, creativity, emotional intelligence, and lifelong learning in preparation for the changing employment market. Ensure asset availability, confidentiality, and integrity with cyber security. Utilise policies, technologies, and awareness to defend against threats, breaches, and assaults. Protect systems, networks, and data from cyber threats.


The details of industrial revolutions is given below:

  • First Industrial Revolution (Industry 1.0)  
  • Second Industrial Revolution (Industry 2.0) 
  • Third Industrial Revolution (Industry 3.0) 
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) 


There are 9 skills covered for this initiative and they are : Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Vertual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Social & Mobile, Blockchain Technologies, 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing and Robotics Process Automation.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) describes a massive network of physically connected objects, including machinery, appliances, cars, and other items that have connectivity, software, and sensor capabilities. These gadgets are able to gather and exchange data online, connecting them to centralised systems and enabling communication between them. Smart homes, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and industrial automation are just a few of the industries that can benefit from IoT technology’s seamless blending of the physical and digital worlds. IoT greatly expands the possibilities for data-driven insights, automation, and increased efficiency, changing how we interact with and view the world around us.

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics is the process of examining and extracting valuable insights from large and complex datasets. With the explosion of data in the digital age, organizations collect vast amounts of information from various sources, including social media, sensors, transactions, and more. Big Data Analytics utilizes advanced algorithms, statistical models, and machine learning techniques to uncover patterns, trends, correlations, and hidden information within these datasets. These valuable insights can help businesses make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, improve customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world.

Cloud Computing

A paradigm for providing computing services through the internet is cloud computing. Cloud computing enables users to access computing resources, such as storage, processing power, databases, and software applications, through the internet from faraway data centres rather than relying on local servers or physical infrastructure. Several advantages, including cost effectiveness, flexibility, accessibility, and automated updates, are provided by this on-demand and scalable paradigm. Without the need for significant hardware investments or maintenance, users can use cloud services for a variety of purposes, including hosting websites and applications, data storage, and complicated computing operations.

Virtual Reality

With the use of specialised VR headsets or other devices, virtual reality (VR) is an immersive technology that produces a simulated environment using computer-generated content. With the aid of cutting-edge graphics, audio, and tracking technologies, VR gives users the impression that they are actually there in a virtual environment. Numerous industries, including gaming, entertainment, instruction, architecture, healthcare, and more use this technology. Users can explore and interact with these virtual worlds, which heightens the impression of realism and offers distinctive experiences outside the boundaries of the actual world.

Artificial Intelligence

A subfield of computer science called artificial intelligence (AI) is devoted to developing intelligent machines that can imitate human actions and thought processes. Creating algorithms and systems for AI entails giving machines the ability to learn from data, spot patterns, use logic, and make predictions or judgements based on the available knowledge. It includes a number of subfields such computer vision, robotics, natural language processing, machine learning, and expert systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more common in a variety of applications, including virtual assistants, driverless vehicles, healthcare diagnostics, recommendation systems, and financial analysis. This is revolutionizing the way people engage with technology and determining the direction of many sectors.

Social & Mobile

In the digital age, social and mobile are two interrelated factors that have drastically changed how people interact, communicate, and access information.

1. One. Social : Social media and online communities are included in this category. The ability to connect, exchange content, and interact with people around the world is made possible through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many more. These platforms enable social networking, real-time communication, and information sharing, promoting new connections and enhancing ones that already exist. Businesses and marketers may now reach their target audiences through social media, increase brand recognition, and acquire data on consumer behavior.

2. Cellular : The widespread use of smartphones, tablets, and other portable gadgets is referred to as mobile technology. People now have unprecedented access to information, services, and entertainment while they are on the go because to the rapid improvements in mobile technology. Users may easily purchase online, access social media, stream information, manage projects, and perform a variety of other activities from nearly anywhere thanks to mobile apps and flexible websites that cater to their demands. A more connected and mobile-dependent society has resulted from the transformation in how people consume information and interact with digital content brought about by the emergence of mobile computing.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology, a decentralised and distributed ledger system, enables the secure and open sharing of digital information among a network of computers. It functions as a peer-to-peer network where each transaction or piece of data, known as a “block,” is cryptographically connected to the one before it to create a chain of blocks. It is very safe and dependable since this chain of blocks produces an immutable and impervious record of all transactions.

Blockchain technology’s key characteristics are as follows:

1. Decentralisation: The blockchain network is not governed by a central authority or middleman. Instead, transactions throughout the distributed network are validated and verified using consensus techniques.

2. All network users have access to the complete transaction history, which promotes trust among users and transparency.

3. Three. Security A high level of protection against fraud and unauthorized access is provided by the cryptographic nature of the blockchain, which makes it very challenging to change or erase previous transactions.

4. Immutability : Data integrity is maintained throughout time because once it is stored on the blockchain, it is almost impossible to modify.

5. Smart Contracts : Blockchain-based self-executing contracts, or “smart contracts,” can be used to autonomously enforce an agreement’s terms and conditions when certain criteria are satisfied.

6. Applications include: Applications for blockchain technology can be found in a wide range of sectors, including voting systems, intellectual property, supply chain management, healthcare, and finance (for example, cryptocurrency transactions).

3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing

A cutting-edge technology called 3D printing, commonly referred to as additive manufacturing, enables the construction of three-dimensional objects by layering material. With 3D printing, objects are constructed from the ground up using digital models or computer-aided design (CAD) files, as opposed to traditional subtraction manufacturing procedures, where material is taken away to produce a shape.

How does 3D Printing Work ?

  • It all starts with making a virtual design of the object you want to create. This virtual design is made in CAD (Computer Aided Design).
  • The STL file needs to be processed by a software called a slicer, which converts the model into a series of thin layers and produces a G-code file.
  • This G-code file can then be printed with 3D printing software.

Robotics Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that automates routine, rule-based tasks in corporate processes by using software robots or bots. RPA bots handle tasks like data entry, data manipulation, report generation, and more by simulating human interactions with computer systems, applications, and data sources.

Among the key characteristics of robotic process automation are:

Automating Repetitive Tasks Is Important Robotic process automation (RPA) bots are made to do repetitive and menial operations that would otherwise require human involvement, resulting in enhanced efficiency and decreased errors. Non-Invasive Integration: RPA is a cost-effective and non-disruptive solution since it can be integrated with current systems and applications without the need to make significant changes to the underlying infrastructure. Scalability: By deploying new bots to handle escalating demand, RPA enables businesses to increase automation with ease. Quick Implementation: Compared to typical software development projects, RPA installations move along quite quickly and offer quicker returns on investment. Error Reduction: RPA bots are trained to adhere to predetermined norms and guidelines, which lowers the possibility of human error and ensures consistency in results. Enhanced Compliance: RPA keeps a record of all operations carried out by bots, enhancing compliance and regulatory requirements via an audit trail. Enhanced Analytics: RPA provides useful data and insights throughout its operations, which can be applied to decision-making and process optimization.

Cyber Security

The practise of cybersecurity, which includes technology and tactics to protect computer systems, networks, and data from hostile activity, is essential in today’s digital environment. Cyber dangers have advanced and proliferated as a result of our society’s increasing reliance on technology and interconnectedness, posing serious risks to individuals, businesses, and even entire nations. Implementing various defences against unauthorised access, data breaches, and cyberattacks, such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, constitutes a cybersecurity measure. Additionally, user education and awareness are essential in fostering a culture that values security, as human error continues to be a major weakness in the field of cybersecurity. To reduce risks and guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital information, cybersecurity practises must constantly adapt to and improve.

Need a Cyber Security

Protecting digital assets from a variety of cyberthreats is the goal of the vital field of cybersecurity. Protecting sensitive data, networks, and systems is crucial given the rising reliance on technology. Cyberattacks offer serious hazards to people and organisations, resulting in monetary losses and reputational harm. These attacks include data breaches, phishing, ransomware, and malware. Cybersecurity uses a diverse strategy to defend against these dangers, including firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection, and awareness raising. To keep up with changing threats, regular security audits and ongoing adaptation are required. A secure and resilient digital environment can be ensured for the future by implementing strong cybersecurity measures.

Securiting PC

In light of the current state of cyber threats, PC security is essential. Maintain applications and the operating system up to date with the most recent security updates to ensure comprehensive protection. For additional protection against malware and unauthorised network access, install reliable antivirus software and turn on a firewall. To increase account security, use strong passwords and, when it’s possible, turn on two-factor authentication. To protect against data loss, regularly backup vital files to secure cloud services or external storage. Avoid clicking on dubious links and email attachments while browsing cautiously. Adopting these preventative actions can improve PC security and protect private information from potential online dangers.

Securing Smart Phone

In this digitally connected society, protecting personal information and privacy on a smartphone is essential. The safety of the device is ensured and potential threats are reduced by the implementation of crucial security measures. Use a PIN, password, or biometric authentication to create a secure lock screen. Update the software and applications on the smartphone frequently to fix vulnerabilities. To avoid infection, only download applications from authorised sources. For additional security, enable two-factor authentication. Install trustworthy security software with anti-virus and anti-phishing capabilities. Do not access or conduct sensitive business using public WiFi. Regularly create data backups and allow remote wiping for loss or theft prevention. Users can dramatically improve smartphone security and protect their digital lives by adhering to these procedures.